Evox Fitness Concept

Asthma and Physical Exercise

Should asthmatics exercise?

Asthma is a chronic inflammatory disease of the airways. In more susceptible individuals, inflammation causes frequent episodes of coughing, chest tightness and breathing difficulties. This inflammation makes the airways sensitive to stimuli such as allergens, chemical irritants, tobacco smoke, cold/hot air, among others.

Asthma, what happens?

In this pathology there is inflammation or swelling of the inner walls of the bronchi. Inflammation makes it easier for the muscles surrounding the bronchi to contract, making them very sensitive. The bronchi, when reacting to irritating substances or something to which the person is allergic, become narrower, which makes air entering and leaving the lungs with greater difficulty. Consequently in asthma, exhaling is more difficult than inhaling.

Should asthmatics exercise?

Physical motor activities are important for the physical and mental health of patients of all ages, but asthmatics often feel less capable due to lack of practice and not due to physical incapacity.

Active, regular participation in physical activity programs can increase exercise tolerance and endurance, with less discomfort. With regular physical exercise there is a reduction in bronchospasm and a better quality of life.

Proper guidance also provides numerous benefits, including improving respiratory mechanics, preventing and correcting changes in posture, improving general physical condition and preventing other pulmonary complications. When practicing fitness it is necessary to take some care. It is important that asthmatic people always carry inhaled bronchodilator medication with them, in case of any eventuality.

Asthmatics should also do a small warm-up, before the fundamental part of their training, and return to calm at the end, with, for example, some stretching.