Evox Fitness Concept

Tips for not losing focus this festive season

At this time, gyms start to become emptier and people tend to lose focus on training. However, this is a reason for you to continue training! No need to wait for a machine or even switch with someone else. It is also in December that several registration opportunities and training pack campaigns with Personal Trainers appear.

So, here are some tips that will help you stay focused and boost your motivation!

Increase the intensity of your workouts
Before this season and Christmas dinners at companies and with friends, by increasing the intensity and frequency of your training you can go a little further on those days.

Don't stop exercising completely this season
If you don't have the opportunity to go to the gym every day and train, opt for walking/running, exercising at home or outdoors. When you stop going to the gym regularly, you can lose focus and motivation.

Change the training stimulus
When training cycles and plans are maintained for a longer period of time, the impact caused decreases, that is, there is less energy expenditure. If you feel that you are unable to evolve and achieve your goals, talk to your personal trainer so that you can both adjust so that the results come.

Participate in group classes
Choose to take group classes in addition to your training plan, this will help you burn more calories. This way, you will be able to lose some weight and reduce your fat percentage.

On these festive days, stick to your eating plan
Maintain your eating routine, organize your week in the same way. Be sure to eat during the day so you can enjoy the food and sweets on the filled table. This way, you don't feel like eating so much and control the quantities.


Ana Matos