Evox Fitness Concept

How to get back to your routine after the festive season?

At the end of the year, with the arrival of Christmas and New Year's Eve, corporate Christmas dinners with friends and family also arrive, thus reducing training and breaking out of the routine in terms of food and alcohol intake, in In some cases, we can see excesses. Normally, we only think about it later, when the new year begins and there are no more parties to break out of the routine. Therefore, it is essential to return to your training and eating routine. With the arrival of the new year, goals and objectives are set again, and both the “diet” and the training and exercise plan must be readjusted.
Therefore, I bring some tips that can help you resume your routine in a lighter way without major restrictions and suffering.

▪ In the first few days you will feel hungrier, so you can take the opportunity to eat more meals. Snacks between main meals are essential, so you don't feel so hungry and can control your appetite during main meals;

▪ Water intake should increase, between 2 and 3 liters daily. If you prefer and like it, you can drink tea in addition to water. There are several teas that help facilitate the process.

▪ You don't need to increase the cardio volume per workout. You can take our Revolution classes, but don't forget to follow the training plan;

▪ Get back to your training and “diet” routine as soon as possible (don’t let laziness and comfort get the better of you);

▪ Increase your daily NEAT (Non-Exercise Activity Thermogenesis). Stay more active during the day to increase calorie expenditure. Go for walks, walk the dog more often (he thanks you), just don't stay on the couch or sit still;

▪ Take advantage of the promotions that gyms offer this season. There are always unmissable personalized training opportunities that help you boost your shape;

▪ If you're one of those people who used to train, stopped and it's difficult to get back to training, why not do a physical activity that you enjoy? Indoor, outdoor, you have lots of options. You can also choose to train with someone, to gain motivation. It's easier and you create a commitment, not only with yourself but with those who train with you!
May 2024 be full of successes and challenges! Good training and good results for everyone!

Ana Matos