Evox Fitness Concept

The Circadian Cycle

Sleep is one of the most important factors in maintaining physical and mental health
throughout our lives. Its deprivation results in losses in the short, medium and
long-term health of our body. When we sleep properly, there is
always improves various cognitive functions such as the ability to learn,
memorize and make decisions.
Our biological system as human mammals respects a 24 cycle
hours called the Circadian Cycle. In fact, all living beings generate this cycle
Natural. Inside our brain there is a 24-hour “clock” that communicates the signal
of the daily circadian rhythm for all other regions of the brain and all organs
of the body.
Unfortunately this cycle does not happen correctly for all of us due to our
voluntary decision to neglect sleep. Ingestion of “heavy foods”
(long digestion) late at night, excessive coffee or after 3pm or until
even alcohol are factors that end up harming sleep and, consequently,
our 24-hour cycle. In addition to other things we are exposed to like screens,
experiences, etc.
To regularize the Circadian Cycle for 24 hours, one of the most
Important is exposure to sunlight early in the morning. It’s not the “look”
directly to the sun, but allow sunlight to enter our system
“understand” that we are awake and that from then on we are ready for a
new day! Other important factors that help regularize this cycle are
balanced diet, exercise routine, good hydration and rest.
By following the steps mentioned above, also in the short, medium and long term,
there will be a significant improvement in all areas of our lives!


Rodrigo Machado